Big Discount Sale? Nope, sorry not here..

Big Discount Sale? Nope, sorry not here..

La Pomme stocks how we believe we should shop.... small and quality driven. Our limited sale items only ever reflect a lovingly made product that needs a home whether it be a 'soon to be' expiry date, limited seasonal range, a brand who has retired or an item that's discontinued or slightly imperfect. Our limited sales items are not masses of items overstocked or over ordered. We genuinely don't believe in ordering in or selling items not needed. Yes, our shop is a little bare from the Christmas sales, this is completely intentional (despite royal mail strikes) and we have remained mostly closed for the Christmas period for resting and much needed family time during this period. We have opened briefly to allow for refills etc. We hate waste and simply avoid it!

We only ever stock a limited seasonal range... and always from a good place. We are not a Christmas shop and are only ever proud to package up our regular, all year round sustainable goodies at this time of year in the most sustainable way using eco friendly recycled card boxes, ribbon and biodegradable twine and fruit pieces. We love reaching friends and families through sustainable gifting. Guilt free under the tree!


As the January sale time looms we wanted to explain why you won't find big discounts in store at La Pomme. We know where each and every product has originated from, the loving hands and stories that go into them all. We know the value of each and every item and honour this in how the product was made with the environment at the core and the fair pay our artisans were rewarded for it. We make regular donations to Big Blue Ocean Cleanup, Women's Aid and CHESS Homeless through our various ranges.

As a business now with a bricks and mortar store on the high street, we are focused on staying true to ourselves and standing strong on our beliefs in order to keep the cause at the heart of everything we do... and that is positive shopping... shopping to support our environment and giving back to others who need it. We have to remain undistracted by fallen footfall and the lure of big sales to attract the masses. We stand strong on delivering our message of hope, love, positivity, handmade, shopping small, shopping well and most importantly driving down waste. For those who have supported us and made strides in their sustainable journey, we salute you and thank you. We hope you continue to do so and help us to spread the word and not lose heart in what feels like a pre covid u-turn to greed and convenience over the last few months. Too many sustainable stores have closed in 2022, all over the country... at a time where we need them most!

2023 we are ready for you, whatever it takes to keep driving the message home that our planet needs the upmost attention and healing now more than ever.

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